Дети мои
Это история Якоба Баха – старого российского немца, учителя немецкого языка в школе колонии Гнаденталь. Он живет отшельником на одиноком хуторе, воспитывает дочь Анче и пишет удивительные сказки.
С неба упали три яблока
Жители небольшого горного села Маран в Армении не понаслышке знают, что такое горе. Много лет назад они счастливо жили в шумном большом селе, где повсюду слышался детский смех.
Corporate Property Management. Aligning Real Estate With Business Strategy
Corporate property is routinely identified as the second biggest cost within a business organization after staff. Effective management of such a major asset requires a fundamental understanding of
World Cities and Nation States
World Cities and Nation States takes a global perspective to show how national governments and states/provinces/regions continue to play a decisive, and often positive, partnership role with world
Planning Gain
Winner of the Royal Town Planning Institute award for research excellenceThis critical examination of the development and implementation of planning gain is timely given recent changes to the
Dynamics of Housing in East Asia
This book is the first to evaluate the organisation, behaviour and performance of six major East Asian real estate markets. It offers a unique analysis of the growth and transformation
Property Boom and Banking Bust
A fascinating analysis of the critical role commercial property investment played in the economic boom and bust during the global financial crisis The unprecedented financial boom stretching from
Public Sector Property Asset Management
In many public sector organisations, there has been little or no adoption of a proactive asset management strategy. Where an extensive property portfolio exists, this can result in
Transience and Permanence in Urban Development
Temporary urban uses – innovative ways to transform cities or new means to old ends? The scale and variety of temporary – or meanwhile or interim – urban
New Economic Thinking and Real Estate
New Economic Thinking and Real Estate offers a modern and distinctive approach to forecasting and understanding property markets. With this book, students will develop an intuitive ability to